Child seats

Sharing the bike with your child is definitely fun and very practical in everyday life, starting from 9 months (or however since the child can sit alone) we can carry children with special bicycle seats.

The choice between the various models proposed is simple and adapts to every stage of the development of the child: the bike seats to transport children by bicycle are available both front and rear

Here the guide to choose the best product

Which seat to choose for your child: front or rear ?

The front seats are designed for the transport of a child from 9 to 30 months of age and have a capacity of up to 15kg.
You can only carry children who are able to sit on their own and give the child an excellent view of the direction of travel.
Before cycling, always make sure that the straps are properly fastened and the feet are housed in the designated footrests.
It is recommended never to leave the bicycle parked with the child on the seat.
Fit a <>windshield on the bike/a> protects the child from wind, insects and dust.

The rear seats are of two types: a chair for children from 2 to 5 years old that offer a closure with suspenders and greater wrap with a maximum load of 22 kg.

The seats a cuscino con cinturina di sicurezza alla vita, suitable for children aged 4 and over. The model has a wing, footrest and backrest to ensure total safety.

As maximum load, the limit of the rear carrier is 25 kg

For the transport of children by bike we recommend that children always wear the helmet and give the good example always wearing it.