Ride safely

Tips for safe cycling:

it is very important to consider the bicycle as a vehicle like any other with the same rights and duties as the other vehicles on the road, always respecting the highway code.

always try to wear thehelmet (especially recommended for children)

always check the perfect functioning of the brakes, lights, tightening of the screws and wear of the tires

always use thedoorbell and keep your arm out to signal a turn

where possible try to use the cycle paths, avoiding busy roads

always make yourself visible, using braces orreflective jackets Andcatadriotti to the wheels. You can use one as wellmirror rearview mirror

The lights are mandatory, if your bike does not have them, there are some on the market battery operated led lights which can be attached to the bike with its hooks.

Do not use earphones or cell phones.

Be careful:
  • to the cobblestones when it rains, the rain accentuates the risk of slipping
  • at the tramway rails, the wheel can get stuck in and cause you to fall
  • to parked cars, with drivers, who could suddenly open the door
  • to trucks and buses that have reduced visibility.

For any other advice or request, contact us via email info@ciclisergiobianchi.it or via Whatsapp or Telephone 055 499385